Monday, 22 August 2011

images of terrorism

tPlaas1.jpg (24060 bytes) tPlaas2.jpg (27559 bytes) tPlaas3.jpg (30544 bytes) tPlaas4.jpg (30998 bytes) tPlaas7.jpg (32009 bytes) tPlaas8.jpg (12906 bytes) tPlaas12.jpg (36433 bytes) tPlaas13.jpg (18330 bytes) tPlaas16.jpg (21466 bytes) tPlaas17.jpg (27778 bytes) tPlaas18.jpg (25371 bytes)[above]Terrorism did not stop when the ANC/Communist alliance officially ended its terror war. The former terrorists had been given South Africa, lock, stock and barrel, by a spineless De Klerk government, but their slogans 'Kill a Boer, kill a Farmer', and 'One Settler, One Bullet' were  and are still being screamed out, the clenched fist is still raised, and anyway, old terrorist habits die hard. While the words 'peace', 'democracy', 'reconciliation' and 'justice' are gushing out like verbal diarrhea from politicians' mouths, something totally different is gushing out from countless defenceless, innocent victims : Blood and guts. Now classified under the euphemism 'crime', the terror continues unabated, - if anything, worse than ever before. The aim is still the same : To drive out the white man and to intimidate all opposition, white and black. The focus is still on lonely farms and on the weak and helpless : Especially the elderly, women, even babies are brutally attacked, beaten, raped and killed. The politically correct, fawning media reports the 'crime' on page 4, it even makes clucking noises every now and then, - but none dare call it what it is : Terrorism in its pure, unadulterated form. Terrorism aided and abetted by the Regime in its many forms and variations : Be they Ministers like Peter Mokaba shouting 'Kill the Boer", Missies Mandela screaming out hate-speech, hit-squads slaying opposition politicians, or the gullible mob doing the butchering on the streets, inside houses, at the work place, or on farms. By the end of 2001, 7 years into ANC/Communist rule more than 1150 mostly white farmers have already been murdered in the so-called democratic new South Africa.

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