Monday, 22 August 2011

some defending terrorismThere are many events that take place around the world defined as terrorism. As many of these events as there are it seems the reaction by many observers is something less than shock or outrage. While being offended or outraged has been the liberal mantra with selected use rarely is it employed against terrorists but it is always used against those who resist or defend themselves in the face of terrorism.
Salama, Salama, Bologna is no exception. Israel is attacked by Hamas with rockets on consecutive days where Israel first employed diplomacy and public warnings to Hamas. When those actions were unsuccessful and they responded militarily many around the world first expressed outrage or some form of criticism of Israel. Just another example that there is plenty of bias against Israel. This is not to say Israel has never made a mistake. But so has everyone else. And in this case they did nothing wrong yet they are being criticized by a significant number of those who express their desire to eliminate Israel and others with similar attitudes. How about laying some blame on Hamas and other terrorist groups for bringing this on themselves and other parties unrelated to this particular event.
Stanford Matthews

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